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I listened to a podcast this morning that smacked me in the face. Yesterday was a shi* day. It happens. Things didn’t go well and things went sideways.

Those days happen to all of us. We look for reasons to NOT do the things we need to rep. We focus on each and every out we could possibly take to “just get to tomorrow”.

I didn’t know what I was doing yesterday until I heard the podcast this morning. I was simply doing what was necessary, in the face of boredom and complacency.

In the heat of frustration, I kept moving.

Do you? All the boring things you need to do, that you KNOW you need to do, do you do it?

The plain chicken and rice to hit my macros for the day.

The necessary email marketing programs that I have to do 4x a week.

Instead of stepping over that toy in the living room, reaching down and picking it up so my wife doesn’t have to deal w/ that 1 second of annoyance that day.

The REFUSAL to hit snooze, no matter the day of the week.

The boring sh*t wins games. The boring sh*t wins awards. The boring sh*t creates freedoms.

This is my reminder to you, because I needed it. When things become monotonous inside your growth, GOOD. This is the difference between the old YOU and the new YOU.

The old you created the story of boredom. The story of excuses and the story of justification.

The new story for you is the machine you are becoming.

You’re efficient.

You’re intentional.

You’re lethal.

You’re surgical.

You’re planned.

You’re inspiring to others.

You’re [insert what you strive to be].

Every one of them...possible,


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